elearning-resources-REMOTE-TRAINING-STRATEGYRemote training strategy learning can be described as the process through which students acquire knowledge through either webinars, podcasts, online research, and lectures from teachers using a particular platform.

Disseminating information on online platforms is very sensitive and time-consuming. For this reason, content needs to be prepared carefully and very professionally.

Remote training is gradually gaining ground globally due to the increased need of working students needing to study away from classrooms. There is also the need for students to get independence from enclosed learning spaces as well as relieving them from the need to depend on their teachers to get access to all their lessons.

There are various factors to consider while setting up a strategy for online training so as to ensure effectiveness in delivery. Below are some factors to consider when setting up an online training strategy:


Interaction is very important, and this should be integrated into lessons to ensure that your students are paying attention.

This should be done in the form of having a Q and A segment as well as other online interactive sessions during the lessons to kill boredom.

Involve Latest Technology

Leveraging available technology such as zoom and Google Teams to showcase slides and visuals during training ensures that the students are involved in the lessons.

It also ensures that the monotony of having words displayed on the screens is broken.

Words and no visuals become tiresome, and students may get bored during long lectures.

Create Short Lessons

Creating content should be fun and not boring. As a remote training content creator, you should ensure that your content is short and engaging. Creating long lessons will only lead to your students getting bored and tired and they may zone out due to boredom and repetitiveness.

Short, interactive lessons with visuals mostly captivate the learner’s attention and this will create a memorable picture in their minds about the lessons.

Use a variety of Training Materials

It is important to diversify the method through which lessons are administered. This is simply because one on one teaching, methods can be draining and tiring. Include videos and explanation slides that are engaging and appealing to the eyes. Audio explanations can also be included as hearing educative audios will ensure that students pay attention to avoid missing out on important points.

Create Feedback Options

While conducting online training sessions, it is important to include options for students to give feedback. This could be whether they understood the lesson or not, or whether they require further clarification on certain topics or lessons. This is important as it will gauge the effectiveness of the lessons conducted and give the trainer a sense of what to rectify.

Use Case studies

In most learning scenarios, students love to read about case studies related to the topics covered during these lessons, why? This is because they like learning about something they relate to, they may share the same experiences with the case study subjects and this enhances how they understand and relate to a topic.

Live case studies often have a larger success rate when gauging the effectiveness and how well a particular lesson was understood by students.


Storytelling and case studies are different in the sense that storytelling is more personal than giving a case study. When students get to hear a personal story from their trainer and how they either faced a challenge and made a decision that made them pass a challenge, it becomes more personalized and creates a sense of empathy in the students’ minds.

All these pointers show that in order to have an effective and engaging online training session, a trainer has to go above their comfort zone and tweak their training styles to influence understanding on their students and this is gauged by the techniques they use in class, to reinforce information.

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